Friday, July 16, 2010

To my babies...

Hello my little ones. I've started this blog so I can write letters to all of you without disturbing the main gist of my other blog (that one's for you and me only, Ianto)
To Ianto,
Guess what? You're going to be a big brother! You have to promise to look after your younger brothers and sisters, okay? Make sure they behave for mummy and daddy, and that they don't get in any trouble. Whisper lullabies to them when mummy can't, and play with them when daddy's too busy. Be a good big brother to them.
To the Twins,
Actually, I'm not even sure you are twins. I just really hope you are. I hope you enjoy your stay inside my tummy, so much that you're born right on time, healthy and happy. Your big brother will be there for you when you're sad and mummy can't comfort you. Right now, you're starting to set up house in my tummy and making me feel a little bit sick. This is more than your brother gave me, and you're younger now than he was when I found out I was pregnant with him. Mummy and Daddy love you so much. And we promise you'll have an awesome nickname soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just came from your first blog.. You are such a sweet mummy. Hang in there and all the best! Please document everything about cookie, i'll be coming back to follow up with your progress. Cheers!


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