Friday, October 15, 2010

My bladder is not a punching bag!

To Cookie,
Yes, sweetie, I know you're there. I don't mind the small kicks I'm feeling - in fact, I quite love that I can feel you already - but one small request? Please get off Mummy's bladder. I know I don't really need to wee at the moment, but since you seem to be sitting on it, my brain thinks I do and keeps telling me to get up. I don't want to, I would like to lay here and try to get some sleep.
I have another ultrasound to see you soon - on the 25th. I'm really looking forward to it. Of course, the radiologist will be mostly looking at bits of you to check you're growing well, but I have faith in you, my little one. Apparently this week you're about the size of a large potato, and in three weeks you'll be about triple the size of that! Hopefully I'll have a nice big normal-looking baby bump then, to show you off in.

To Ianto,
I really can't remember you kicking this hard at any point, let alone so early. I know it's because you were my first baby, but it still makes me a little sad. As always, please look after your younger sibling as we move through mid-pregnancy. In about two and a half weeks we'll be hitting halfway. I really need you to help us make it that far.
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