Sunday, August 15, 2010

How do I go on?

To All My Babies,

Your "big Nan" died today. My nan. My world feels like it's crashed down yet again, just as I was starting to build up from losing my precious Ianto.
Ianto, when you were born, Nan was one of the only people in the world who treated you like you were a normal, live, baby. I don't recall if she held you - I don't think she did - but I know she at least stroked your beautiful little face and kissed your sweet cheeks. She smiled, when everyone else was crying. She spoke your name without thinking she was offending me (of course I wasn't!)...
I really can't do Nan justice in a blog post. I lived before Ianto, I know how to live without Ianto, but I've never lived in a world without my Nan. How do I go on? How does the world turn without Nan in it?
I asked her to look after you, Ianto. Or maybe it should be you looking after her, letting her know all the ins and outs of the afterlife?
Cookie, I am so incredibly sorry you never got to meet Nan. She was a fantastic, amazing, unstoppable lady who would have spoiled you to no end.
I'll leave you with this video...

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